Voicemail to Email: A Game Changer for Business Productivity
Voicemail to email for small businesses is a cloud based system which can make your team more responsive and flexible. It can also make your customer service and prospects much better. How? Let’s find out.
What is Voicemail to Email?

Voicemail to email is a business phone system feature. It works by recording voicemail as an audio file and then sending it to an email address. The recipient can then download the voicemail file from their email to their phone or computer. They can play it very easily since it’s recorded in a widely usable audio format like .mpeg, or .wav. Voicemail to email is a very common offering for cloud system providers or hosted VoIP providers.
Most importantly, voicemail to email helps you keep track of all the information and metadata about the voicemail. It includes the date and time of the recorded message and the caller ID information. In certain cases, if the provider allows it, you can receive the voicemail in a lot of ways.
- You can receive an email with a recording attached as a notification email. Here the voicemail is an attachment. The voicemail will also be saved in a voicemail box so you can access it at a time of your choosing.
- You can receive an email with a recording attached and that may be the only record of it. This method is a little insecure since, if the email is deleted, all records of the voicemail may be lost.
- You can receive an email without an attachment and a link to your voicemail box is inside. This method will always require you to go to the link and get the recording from there. While it provides added security, it will also inconvenience you.
Having an email with the attached recording as well as a record in your voicemail box is definitely preferable.
Voicemail to Email Benefits
As you can imagine, there are a lot of benefits of voicemail to email. It takes the complication out of voicemail access and simply delivers you a notification or the recording itself. Hence, the convenience is a bonus to begin with. However, there’s much more to it than that.
Faster Information Retrieval
With voicemail to email, businesses can get faster information. Since we live in a message and email-centric workspace, it’s better to use the potential of that workspace to its full. Voicemail to email allows workers to get the right information quickly. Hence, they’re able to act on it immediately.
Voicemail to email services also offer text message confirmations and notifications. This way, you won’t have to worry about missing any emails either. Several people miss email notifications, but with this, they won’t be missing any important calls or messages.
Also, people can access their own personal voicemail boxes by using PINs. This way, they won’t have to navigate through hundreds of recordings to reach what is important to them.
Better Responsiveness
Since voicemail to email increases the speed with which you get messages, you can respond to it faster. This speed can improve the response time of an employee, and overall, an entire organization. It’s also great for customer care. For customers who aren’t able to reach someone on their first try won’t bother calling back. However, very few will leave voicemails.
Those that do, it seems, are much more serious. Hence, the voicemail to email service allows you to respond to them much more quickly. This way, you won’t have to wait very long to call back. You can catch the callers within 10-15 minutes. Voicemail to email will allow your team members to see a new voicemail within a few minutes.
It will work even when you’ve put a phone on do not disturb mode. Phone calls will be sent to your voicemail box if you don’t have call forwarding set up to external numbers. That’s one of the most convenient benefits of voicemail to email for small businesses.
Remote Access to Voicemails
A voicemail to email service can make your voicemail box mobile. This feature can allow you to access everything remotely. Since everything is stored on a cloud, you can listen to voicemails when you’re free or when you’re in traffic, etc. With the service, the voicemails go wherever you do. You can access recordings with your home computer, tablet, or smartphone. You may even be able to access it through smart watches in certain respects.
This is great for travelling businesspersons. It allows you to be agile and mobile while still keeping track of your work. If presentation slides need to be changed, a voicemail can be sent efficiently through this system. If an urgent update needs to be sent, a voicemail can efficiently take care of that.
Better Recordkeeping
Voicemail to email for small businesses can act as a good archival tool. Not only do you get the voicemail record on a database for posterity, but the attached metadata as well. You get the caller ID, the date and time, and all else about the call.
Using this metadata, a record of all voicemails can be kept, making sure that important calls are never lost. If any call is ever brought up in a legal matter or in a financial matter, the records are always there. You can also download all the files on storage to your computer, phone, or a separate email folder.
If you work in a field that requires archiving, then you can keep detailed records without needing to setup infrastructure yourself. This comprehensive archive of recordings can serve an organization for potentially decades and even centuries.
The records make it easier to filter through the recording as well. Typically, voicemail recordings take up a few megabytes of information. This will make for efficient storage.
PhoneOne Voicemail to Email
If you’re looking for a great voicemail to email service, look no further than PhoneOne. Not only do they have packages for every business, but also other services like LTE backups and online faxing.