4 Great Business Benefits of LTE Failover
LTE failover refers to a 4G LTE connection that has been allocated to a company. This ensures that a business will always have a backup if primary connections are lost. 98% of Americans now have access to LTE failover. Since most businesses are located near populous areas, chances are they have enough signal strength to leverage LTE failover.
While the business benefits of LTE failover are obvious, there are others which many may not know about. So here are 4 great benefits of LTE failover.
1. Coverage and Reliability
For many years, businesses would leverage T1 connections for their WAN failover. However, 4G LTE is both more reliable and faster. Simple speed tests performed from a smartphone can show how much more reliable and faster 4G is.
Enterprise solutions allows for antennas and signal boosters to be placed on buildings. These additions can boost performance as well as the speed. With much lower latencies and much higher speeds, productivity can only go up for businesses with LTE failover.
2. Security
Security is a huge issue when it comes to modern businesses. People have misconceptions that 4G is much less secure than typical internet connections. That’s not true. It’s no more or less secure. The same security protocols which a business takes to secure its wired connections apply here.
4G routers even have the option to spin up VPN tunnels when the click of a button. This makes it easier to backup to private networks. 4G deployed correctly consistently meets HIPAA and PCI standards for compliance and security.
3. Deployment and Scalability
The ubiquity of the LTE failover is one thing to consider when thinking about its benefits. It can be deployed very quickly for a company that is looking to expand rapidly. If a company wants to deploy a 4G network as a backup for their WAN, it can be done extremely quickly. All they need to do is put a SIM card into a router and install it at a remote site
If configured correctly, the device should come online at once and appear in the cloud management tool. This is one of the clearest LTE failover benefits.
4. Low Costs
Cellular services are notorious for overcharging in the US. However, it’s important to keep in mind that these costs, when taken in contrast to that of losses are minimal. If you have uninterrupted connectivity, it means you are much less likely to lose data or interrupt critical processes. Either way, these processes take up much less bandwidth than do downloads or uploads.
In fact, these processes are much less data hungry than any browsing you’d do on your smartphone. VoIP, credit card transactions, and CRM traffic are all very conservative in terms of data usage. Hence, the actual business traffic will translate to much less data bills than for an average person overall.
Hence, one of the great business benefits of LTE failover is that the costs are lower than average data bills.
Want the best LTE failover services for your business? Try PhoneOne. They provide great LTE failover as well as all sorts of other communication services for your business.
Schedule a free consultation today to discuss how LTE Failover can be used to benefit your business.
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