Want to Bring In Extra Income? Try These Tips
In a perfect world, we’d always make exactly as much money as we need to live comfortably, save for the future, and splurge now and then. However, we often find that our income doesn’t quite live up to these goals. If you’re in this situation, there are a couple of approaches you can take to give your income a boost. Let’s take a look at some of the best options in this article brought to you by PhoneOne:
Start a Side Hustle
One of the simplest and most flexible steps you can take to boost your income is to pick up a side hustle. This could be any kind of freelance work that takes advantage of your skills and free time. Focus on doing something that boosts your resume, but be wary of offering the same service as your day job – you may inadvertently run up against a non-compete clause in your contract.
If you really enjoy your side hustle and get a lot out of it emotionally and financially, you can even look into making it your primary role down the line. Turning a side hustle into a full-time job can be challenging, but it’s well worth it if it’s the right fit. Consider hiring a personal assistant to make the transition a little easier. Investing in a cross-platform payroll app that allows for processing payroll while in the field – in other words, from your computer, smartphone, or tablet – gives you the power to manage your team’s paychecks, tax payments, and scheduling with ease so you can focus your energy on building your business.
Opportunities: Kynect
Ask for a Raise
Another technique you can use to boost your income is to ask for a raise. However, the circumstances have to be right, and the way you approach the issue can make or break your success. For starters, you need to be able to justify the raise. If you’ve only been at your job – or your current pay level – for a few months, odds are you aren’t really in a position to ask for more money (unless, of course, you’ve done something truly phenomenal in those few months).
If, however, it’s been a while since you’ve gotten a boost in income, then you can start thinking about how to approach the raise conversation. Your first step needs to be building evidence that you’ve earned a raise. This could be by noting quantitative successes. For example, if you’ve saved the company millions of dollars since your last raise, that’s the kind of thing you should bring to the conversation. You can also note increased responsibility and any positive feedback. When you have your evidence, schedule a conversation with your supervisor to get the process started.
However, it’s important to remember that, even with the best evidence in the world, you should be prepared for the chance that they’ll say no, or that they’ll come back with a figure that doesn’t reach your expectations. Think critically about whether or not you’ll want to continue to work for a business that doesn’t agree with you on your worth. And on that note…
Find a New Job
Finally, if you’re not making as much as you want and your current employer can’t get you there, consider looking for a new job. If you’re not sure where to start, work with a resume writer to figure out your most marketable skills. A role at a new company could be the next step your career has been waiting for.
Remember, if you’re currently employed, you can be a little bit choosier on your job hunt. Take advantage of your relative security and only apply to jobs you’re truly interested in. Ask plenty of questions during interviews to figure out if the company is right for you, rather than putting all your focus on selling yourself to them. Lastly, figure out your salary bare minimum and, if a company can’t offer it, keep looking.
If you need more money, these techniques can help you get it. Whichever approach you take, focus on using your strengths to your advantage. Soon, you’ll have the income you need to live the life you deserve.
Photo Credit: Pexels
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